
Interdisciplinary History Education Archiving Project(I・HEAP)について

学際的な歴史教育に関する文献を読み、その軌跡をアーカイブ化していく輪読会プロジェクトです。 文献についてはその領域の著名なものを選び、各章の簡単なレジュメを載せていきます。文献を読む際の参考資料としてご参照ください。



山村向志(千葉県立姉崎高等学校 教諭)子どもの歴史的エンパシーの様相とその効果的な育み方、歴史的論争問題学習における子どもの認識
小野創太(広島大学・院生)困難な歴史(Difficult History)を探究する授業デザインに関する研究
高松尚平(福岡県太宰府市立太宰府西中学校 教諭)イギリス歴史教育におけるBig Picture概念の研究、歴史を大観する学習との関連
宇ノ木啓太(広島大学・院生)歴史文化(Historical Culture)の理論的展開、ICT活用
鈩悠介(国立特別支援教育総合研究所)歴史的意義(Historical Significance)の判断に関わる子どもの思考
徳原拓哉(神奈川県立横浜国際高等学校教諭・東京大学 院生)「歴史実践」論の史学史的、歴史的把握と叙述方法論の探究
西村豊(高水高等学校 教諭)子どもが学ぶ意味を実感できる歴史授業の開発研究、中学・高等学校における教育実習指導の研究


1Introduction: Connecting Historical Justice and History EducationMatilda Keynes et al.川口 池尻PDF PDF

Part 1: State-Sponsored Processes and Educations

2Recontextualizing Historical Injustice into Education: The Relationship Between a White Paper and a Textbook on the Abuse of the Roma in Swedish HistoryMalin Arvidsson, Henrik Åström Elmersjö川口PDF
3Taking Responsibility for the Past: Theoretical and Educational Considerations, Illustrated by South African ExperienceSirkka Ahonen高松PDF
4Education and Truth Commissions: Patterns, Possibilities and Implications for Historical JusticeJulia Paulson, Michelle J. Bellino玉井PDF

Part 2: Historical Justice in Public History Spaces

5The Hanaoka Incident and Practices of Local History and Memory Making in Northern JapanErik Ropers池尻PDF
6Historical Narratives and Civic Subjectification in the Aftermath of ConflictDaniela Romero-Amaya
7Generating and Popularising Historical Knowledge in a Reconciliation Process: The Case of the Church of Sweden and the SamiBjörn Norlin, Daniel Lindmark川口PDF
8The Role of Commemoration in History and Heritage: The Legacy of the World War One Engagement CentresNicola Gauld, Ian Grosvenor窪田PDF
9Challenging ‘Comfort Women’ Discourse: Rethinking Intersections of Historical Justice and History EducationAnna-Karin Eriksson
10Ethics and Historical JusticeGöran CollstePDF

Part 3:Educational Materials: Textbooks, Curricula, Policy

11Textbook Revisions as Educational Atonement? Possibilities and Challenges of History Education as a Means to Historical JusticeEleni Christodoulou西村PDF
12Redressing Historical Wrongs or Replicating Settler Colonialism? Social Studies Curriculum Reform in CanadaJames Miles両角
13Narrative Justice? Ten Tools to Deconstruct Narratives About Violent PastsAngela Bermudez小野PDF
14History Education, Transitional Justice and Politics of Reconciliation: Multi- and Univocality Around Violent Pasts in South African and Rwandan TextbooksDenise BentrovatoPDF

Part 4:Pedagogy, Teachers, and Students

15Practicing Reconciliation in a Canadian Book ClubJonathan Anuik池尻PDF
16Developing Historical Consciousness for Social Cohesion: How South African Students Learn to Construct the Relationship Between Past and PresentNatasha Robinson
17Historical Justice and the Holocaust in History EducationAndy Pearce, Stuart Foster山村
18Do Teachers Care About Historical Justice? Teaching About the Holocaust, Genocide, and Colonialism in EnglandHeather Mann玉井PDF
19Political Good-Will, Moral Lessons, Historical Justice? Upper Secondary School Students on the Motives and Effects of Historical ApologiesJan Löfström片山PDF
今後のスケジュール 11/4(9章:鈩、12章:両角) 11/18(13章:小野、15章:池尻) 12/2(14章:空、16章:星) 12/16(17章:山村、18章:玉井) 1/27(19章:片山)